FOTIC Holds the “High Creditworthiness for Long-term Practices” Event to Promote Credit Investigation |
2018-06-15 |
On June 14, which has been established as “Credit Record Day”, China Foreign Economy and Trade Trust Co., Ltd. (FOTIC) held a credit investigation-themed promotional event that was entitled “High Creditworthiness for Long-term Practices”. The purpose of this activity was to promote credit-related knowledge among the public, demonstrate our managerial performance in credit investigation, and fulfill our social responsibility as a state-owned financial institution. On June 14, 2018, the People’s Bank of China (PBC) held its first round of nationwide activities themed on Credit Record Day, to promote knowledge among the public on personal credit investigation, including ways to inquire about the personal credit report. In doing so, PBC intended to raise public awareness on credit and on the protection of personal rights, so as to facilitate the development of the social credit system. FOTIC, the first of its kind to have built connections with the personal and corporate credit systems, has won recognition from the PBC’s Credit Reference Center for a number of times in daily management and annual evaluation. On this year’s Credit Record Day, FOTIC held a credit investigation-themed promotional event that was entitled “High Creditworthiness for Long-term Practices”. In the hall of the Chemsunny World Trade Center, the company resorted to a variety of information carriers, such as videos, leaflets and posts, to promote credit knowledge among the public. On the event site, the company even invited every participant to write down their promises personally on the “Xin’nuo Fan”. FOTIC, an advocate for the Xin’nuo spirit and a financial institution under the supervision of PBC, will make continuous efforts to promote credit investigation-related knowledge in the principle of “interpreting credit investigation under the guidance of scientific values”. In addition, the company will, under the Sinochem’s guideline of “science is the utmost”, continue to improve its credit investigation-related management and services and provide outside member units with guidance on how to use credit information in a standard manner, so as to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of financial consumers. |